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HomeDC Peer Groups (NEW)


The heart and soul of Women's Connection is its small groups. This is where women connect - face to face - to explore what's next together.

Peer groups are informal, shared leadership groups composed of 8 -12 members who meet every month to engage in informal discussions. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment where women may have thought-provoking and stimulating conversations relating to career or personal transitions.

Groups generate topics of mutual interest and relevance to their current lives. Discussion topics range from light-hearted and fun to others that help members define and think through their futures. Each group works to find a comfortable way to select topics and share the responsibilities that make a shared leadership group run smoothly. Every group has an experienced Women's Connection partner to help them during the initial meetings or at any point where they feel they need re-direction.

Peer groups provide opportunities for connection, new friendships, and mutually supportive exploration. The intention of these groups is for women to share and learn from each other. While the groups are meant to create a supportive environment, they are neither support groups nor therapy groups. They cannot substitute for professional help when a member confronts a personal life crisis and need special assistance.

Peer Groups are a benefit of Women's Connection membership.

Want to join a Peer Group?  Some groups are currently accepting new members.  Please reach out to Wendy for more information If you don’t see the group that matches your interests, let us know what might work and we will explore whether we have a volunteer to lead it and other members interested in participating.

Bethesda Maryland Group

Meets in the evening on the second Thursday of the month.

Daytime Group

Meets in the afternoon on the first Monday of the month in Montgomery County.

Online Group

Meets online in the evening on the third Monday of the month.

Potomac Maryland Group

Meets in the afternoon on the third Sunday of the month.

Silver Spring Maryland Group

Meets in the evening on the fourth Thursday of the month.

Solo Together for Single Women Group
Meets on the first Sunday of the month for discussion and an optional lunch.

For Consideration - Are you interested?

Rockville Peer Group – Let Us Know If You Are Interested/Seeking a Group Leader
This group will meet once a month in the evening in the greater Rockville area.

Working Women Group
- Let Us Know if You Are Interested
This group is intended for those working full-time who are not considering retirement for at least two years.


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