Women's Connection/LI needs you. Please volunteer to participate on one of these important committees. The responsibilities of the various committees are as follows:
Communications Committee
The Communications Team acts as a liaison between Steering and other Committees. The team is comprised of the those working on the newsletter, social media, and the website.
Community Volunteer Committee
The Community Volunteer Committee encourages Women's Connection members to give back to the community. The committee works with various community agencies to:
- Organize events relating to volunteering
- Keep members apprised of volunteer opportunities
- Partner with other organizations where appropriate
Contemporary Social Issues Committee
The purpose of this committee shall be to identify topics and develop programs that educate chapter members on current social issues.
Eastern Suffolk Activities Committee
Eastern Suffolk Activities is an initiative created to bring the women of the "east end" opportunities to connect with each other. Drawing on the most popular activities in the Women's Connection, we plan "pop-up" activities closer to home. There are no minimum requirements; if an event appeals to you, you join in. We take walks, go to lunch, go on a day trip. Although women of the east end are given first priority, all events are open to all the members of the Long Island Chapter.
Events and Programs Committee
In addition to looking for great social activities, our members have asked for programs that address a variety of interests and current topics. The committee:
- Identifies and develops ideas for programs
- Works to design programs and workshops that share information
- Stimulate new ideas and conversation among members
- Researches and contacts potential presenters
- Arranges program details such as date, location and cost
- Hosts the event and obtains feedback on the value of the program
This committee offers a great opportunity to share ideas, meet interesting people and bring exciting programs to our members.
The Health & Wellness Committee
Our Committee addresses current and relevant topics that engage our members’ well-being; both physically and emotionally. In our current climate our vision is upbeat and our topics are related to “Seasons of Self-care”
Membership Committee
Our members are the core of Women's Connection LI and the membership committee offers important support for individual members and special interest groups. This committee:
- Personally contacts all new members, as well as women interested in the organization
- Conducts monthly new member teas
- Conducts Connect Now meetings, which assists members in creating or joining special interest or discussion groups. Also gives an overview of Women's Connection for people wishing to join.
- Provides guidance and support during the first three months of a new special interest group.
- Acts as liaison and support to special interest group facilitators/administrators.
Promotes communication among special interest groups, sharing ideas and opportunities.
This committee is a wonderful way to get to know members and help to provide the critical connections that will help Women's Connection and our special interests groups thrive.
Marketing and Public Relations Committee
The Marketing and Public Relations Committee focuses on crafting and maintaining a positive public image by engaging the local Long Island community. Marketing creates demand and Public Relations generates awareness.
The Marketing and Public Relations Committee supports each of the Long Island steering committees by promoting their activities and events, integrating overall messaging through traditional and social media, in addition to refining and improving copy and imagery with the goal of building increased engagement with our target audience.